5 Confidence Hacks to Own Your Boudoir Shoot

For the record, the saying that every body is a bikini body applies to lingerie, too. While it’s totally normal to get a little nervous before any photoshoot, let alone a boudoir shoot, it’s worth noting that all women are entitled to feel like a goddess during their session. If you’re looking for a studio in San Diego, our Carmel Valley or La Mesa locations have the perfect sets to help you unleash your inner beauty and build confidence.

We’re almost always our own worst critics, and owning your boudoir shoot has less to do with losing ten pounds than it does with losing the critical self-talk and shifting your mindset into full goddess mode (alright, fine-- even partial goddess mode will work). Sure, suddenly going from self-conscious to self-confident may sound like a stretch, but there are actually a few things you can do during your boudoir shoot to own your session and calm your nerves. The confidence will keep building throughout the entire experience.

Just the fact that you booked your boudoir session proves that you’ve got a goddess in you who’s waiting for her moment in the spotlight, so let’s let her have it! SCHEDULE A COMPLIMENTARY 15 MINUTE PHONE CONSULT

Here are 5 ways to calm your nerves and boost your confidence to get the most out of your session:

1. Hold onto your “why”.

Why did you book the shoot in the first place? Surely, it wasn’t to see how you’d measure up to other women’s photos, so before you even go there, stop. Truly think about what made you say yes to the shoot in the first place. Was it to build intimacy with your partner? To celebrate your body after a baby, weight loss, or leaving a less-than-happy relationship? To feel beautiful? I want you to leave the session with your “why” fulfilled as much as you do, so when you feel that twinge of self-doubt or self-criticism, remind yourself why you took the time to do the shoot in the first place.

long blonde wavey hair and black bra looking at window

2. Be honest.

If you’re nervous, just say so! Realize that I do this for a living and have worked with plenty of women who felt like you do, but still left with gorgeous photos and a feeling of accomplishment. Sometimes, just naming our fears takes away some of their power. Also, if you don’t like a certain side or feature of your body, remember that this is your session and it’s totally okay to be upfront about your hang-ups.

B&W photo looking from her head down to her chest

3. Realize that no one expects you to be an experienced model.

It’s great to look at models or other boudoir photography for inspiration before your shoot, but it’s also easy to catch a case of comparison-itis and psych yourself out. Remember that no one at your shoot is judging you and that it’s actually my job to work with you and guide you to get the best shots.

4. Be present over perfect.

Worrying about getting the perfect photos is actually the surest way to end up with photos you don’t like and that wasn’t even fun to take! So many of us struggle with perfectionism, but truly, we’re sexiest when we’re not worried about being sexy. When you feel yourself retreating or you feel the nerves come on, start focusing on what’s in front of you. Notice the room, the lights, something you like about your outfit, etc. The more you can tune into the present moment rather than self-assessing, the more confident and natural you’ll feel, which will shine through your photos.

5. Don’t push it.

You may want to walk into your shoot with sky-high confidence, but you don’t necessarily need to. Don’t be surprised if once you start shooting, you start feeling more and more confident as we start finding our own flow with it. Plenty of women book boudoir shoots because it’s a way to feel more confident, not because they have a ton of confidence already. So, don’t push it. If you walk in feeling lukewarm, chances are you’re still going to leave feeling hot. Our San Diego studio has been photographing women just like you for over 5 years and we will make you look and feel like the most beautiful version of yourself.

At the end of the day, your shoot should be fun and empowering. Authenticity is sexy, so you really can’t get it wrong. So relax, take a breath, and let that goddess out. A phone consult is a good way to get pre-booking jitters at bay. Click the link and let’s chat about YOU and your why… Schedule a 15-minute phone consult here

blonde in black bra with white bedding

We’d love to chat!

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Direct kkphoto1217@gmail.com

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